Bra started from the doll girl's purchase of Raiders articles

Choosing the fit girl bra, we must first know what stage of the breast, and then is to grasp the different stages of breast underwear shopping guide Oh, high technology content, learn it!

The first stage, 8-12 years old budding period

YES: The first stage should be selected with a soft, medium thickness lined vest, through the three-dimensional cut gently wrapped chest, will not form a pressure. At this stage should pay attention to look upright oh! The correct posture now will affect the body after growing up.

NO: poor quality underwear breathable, easy to persist perspiration, breeding bacteria.

The second stage, 13-15 years old growing season

YES: The second phase is recommended to wear a certain degree of support but no steel support primary underwear, cups should be widened three-dimensional tailoring to the chest enough room for growth.

NO: continue wearing the previous period of small underwear, easy to pressure the chest leading to poor blood circulation, affecting development. If the underwear is not supporting force, in the intense exercise of breasts easily damage the breast tissue shaking.

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The third stage, 16-18 years old Sentimental period

YES: Recommended girl's underwear with soft steel support, need good support but the bottom can not be bound. If the rapid development, you can use the girl version of the ordinary steel bra, professional version of the model more in line with the girl's bones.

NO: premature selection of adult version of the type of underwear, thick stuffing, hard steel care and some functional design will hurt not yet fully stereotyped breast.

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